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Welcome to the Mazomanie Barracudas

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Mazo Swim Team

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The Mazomanie Barracudas is a summer recreational swim club organized and managed by the parents of swimmers in the Wisconsin Heights School District that compete against seven swim clubs in the Tri-County League. We are dedicated to providing young people with an integrated swimming program they can remain part of from elementary through high school. The team promotes the ideals of honesty, integrity, fair play and good sportsmanship through discipline and hard work. We also believe that swim team should be a fun sport for both the kids and the coaches! We rely on the volunteer efforts of our parent members, the financial support of local businesses and fund raisers. 

Barracuda Swim Team membership is open to all children through age 18 living within the Wisconsin Heights School District during the summer. Contact the team president if you are out of district but would like to swim with us. We are always looking for new swimmers! For safety reasons, children must be able to swim one length of the pool to be on the team.

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Upcoming Events

    Sun Mar 9

    Pre-Season Swim Begins

    Sauk Prairie Indoor Pool
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

    Sun Mar 16

    Pre-Season Swim

    Sauk Prairie Indoor Pool
    5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

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