
Banquet Info & Newsletter

The Annual Awards Banquet/Potluck will be held this Thursday (August 1) at 6pm. The potluck will begin at 6pm, followed by the awards presentations. After the awards, swim team members and siblings are invited to have some fun in the pool while parents meet for our annual parents' meeting. Post season topics are addressed such as our financials along with ideas for next year and election of new board members for the 2025 season.

If your swimmer/siblings are partaking in the pool party, please be advised there will be a brief safety meeting prior to entering the water. This is a fun event with a pool full of confident swimmers and guards who are also their friends/coaches but pool rules must be followed if we want to continue this fun tradition.

Please plan on bringing a dish based on the first letter of your last name.

  • A-G Sides
  • H-L Dessert
  • M-Z Main Dish

Please bring your own plates, utensils and beverages. 

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